
I believe in order to grow you need to learn. Find some helpful learning tools here!  Email me at angela.gapp@thebestofmepodcast.comwith any questiions!

I'm Angela Gapp


I have been busy. I have been married for 24 years and counting to my huband Josh. We have 4 wonderful children together Makenna, Liam, Isaak, and Dexter.. I have been a stay at home mom, I have been an employee and, I am have been an entrepreneur. I have reached a point in my life where I am reclaiming ME! I have been working on the best of me and I want others to grow and be the best of themselves. Follow along with me why I learn and explore so I am the best of me so you can be the best of you!

encouraging thought

The best piece of advice I give to people is to pay attention to how you feel. If it doesn’t feel right, you probably should not do it. So, I would encourage you to follow your gut!

3 Life Changing Tips

These three things changed my life:

1. Reading!

2. Quiet time!

3. Stop the negative self talk!


Random Thoughts

Not a Cool Kid

I just feel like noting I am a self-proclaimed “Not a Cool Kid”, and I am okay with it. Be okay with who you are. You are unique and special because you are you. 

Be Kind

Life is hard for everyone. You never know what others are going through. You can choose to be kind, or you can choose not to be kind. If you choose to be kind to others, you will live a happier, more fulfilled life.  You choose.

Look at people one step ahead

I believe a great way to learn is from other people. When I start out learning something new, I look to learn from people a step or two ahead of me, not ten. The main reason? People ten steps ahead of me are generally so far away from where I am that it is easy to get into negative thoughts and feel you will never get there. People a step or two ahead are in a similar stage but with more knowledge. The goal is not out of reach.


Smile. If I find myself sad or angry, I stop. I stop and think, I need to smile. It makes my mood a whole lot better when I smile. Even if I am all by myself. Smile.

Must Read Books

Need Help?

Is there a topic you want to to tackle? Or a Question you have? Email me at angela.gapp@thebestofmepodcast.com.

The Community

Creating a community where we can grow and learn together is very important. Please be on the look out for this feature! Visit me on Instagram in the meantime.