Mindset with Lorrie Gray

It was a pleasure to sit down with Lorrie Gray and to speak with her about mindset. Mindset is a very tricky thing. The definition of mindset is the established set of attitudes held by someone. That is so hard to change to more of a positive mindset you can change your life. As we all know it is not that easy. So I sit down with Lorrie and have a candid conversation about mindset.

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Lorrie Gray

Lorrie Gray  has pasts that are filled with pain, unhealthy relationships, trauma, chronic illness, chronic pain, and more. She works with their individual needs. She also has experienced a lot of the same things her clients have experienced and she has a unique understanding.  She also has been coaching for 5 years and have 3,000 hours of coaching experience. I like what she had put on her website:

mindset + emotions + nervous system + brain health = a whole brain approach to success

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I’m Angela

PODCAST HOST, Wife, Mom, and Dreamer

I have been busy. I have been married for 24 years and counting to my husband Josh. We have 4 wonderful children together Makenna, Liam, Isaak, and Dexter. I have been a stay at home mom, I have been an employee, and I have been an entrepreneur. I have reached a point in my life where I am reclaiming ME! I have been working on the best of me, and I want others to grow and be the best of themselves. Follow along with me while I explore how to be the best of me so you can learn how to be the best of you!


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