Mom Guilt

“Mom Guilt”

“Mom Guilt”. I am pretty sure if you are at the part in your life where you are raising teenagers you have experienced “Mom Guilt” 5 billion and 83 times. “Mom Guilt” is real and it is not going away. In this quick episode I talk about “Mom Guilt”. Three things you can do with “Mom Guilt”. I really encourage you to see “Mom Guilt” for what it is and move on in fighting for your “dream”

I talk about these three things when it comes to “Mom Guilt”.

  1. Acknowledge It

“When this thought comes into my head I label it for what it is.  “Mom Guilt”. I literally think “Ogh there it is, “Mom Guilt” again”.

  1. Accept It

“Accept the fact that you will feel guilty it’s in your DNA.”

  1. Appreciate It

“The reason is you’re a mom, a good mom. You love your family.”

I believe as a mom living with “Mom Guilt” it’s part of normal life. I don’t think “Mom Guilt” ever goes away or there is a magic process to get rid of it. We as Moms need to embrace “Mom Guilt”.

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I’m Angela

PODCAST HOST, Wife, Mom, and Dreamer

I have been busy. I have been married for 24 years and counting to my husband Josh. We have 4 wonderful children together Makenna, Liam, Isaak, and Dexter. I have been a stay at home mom, I have been an employee, and I have been an entrepreneur. I have reached a point in my life where I am reclaiming ME! I have been working on the best of me, and I want others to grow and be the best of themselves. Follow along with me while I explore how to be the best of me so you can learn how to be the best of you!


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